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experiments:facade_greening:start [2020/07/16 08:05]
experiments:facade_greening:start [2020/07/20 13:11] (current)
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 ====== Facade Greening ====== ====== Facade Greening ======
-No English translation, yet. Go to the **[[:de:experiments:facade_greening:start|German version]]**.+**Vertical mowing robot for greening facades**
 +Facade greening describes regulated growth of plants on a facade wall. This not only looks
 +beautiful, but also serves to improve the air and climate, especially in heavily polluted urban
 +areas. At high temperatures, the plants help to cool the walls, and on cold days the plants
 +contribute to additional thermal insulation of the walls, and they also reduce noise and dust
 +and contribute to an all-round more beautiful ambiance. However, protecting the house wall
 +from destruction by root ingrowth is problematic from a constructional point of view. For
 +this purpose, a vertical mowing robot is to be developed at the Green FabLab, which moves
 +up and down in the gap between the house wall and the supporting structure of the
 +greenery to prevent plant growth towards the house.
 +|{{:experiments:facade_greening:photo_by_chris_ross_harris_on_unsplash_800.jpg?direct&0x600|Figure 1}}|{{:experiments:facade_greening:pxfuel.com_800.jpg?direct&0x600|Figure 2}}|
experiments/facade_greening/start.1594886701.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/07/16 08:05 by rolf