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experiments:race_way_pond:start [2020/07/16 08:02]
experiments:race_way_pond:start [2020/07/20 12:42] (current)
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-====== Race Way Pond ======+====== Race Way Pond - Cultivation of micro algae ======
-No English translation, yet. Go to the **[[:de:experiments:race_way_pond:start|German version]]**.+//Algae are "lower" plants that live in water.//
 +Algae can be very small (microalgae) and consist of only one cell, but they can also be huge
 +and up to 100 m long (macroalgae, especially brown algae). Like "higher" plants, they also
 +produce oxygen and therefore contribute significantly to the binding of atmospheric carbon
 +dioxide. Algae can be found in fresh water, salt water and also in moist soils. Millions of
 +years ago, blue-green algae or cyanobacteria helped to produce oxygen in sufficient
 +quantities for life to develop. In addition to the food and cosmetics industry, algae can also
 +be used as fertiliser in agriculture. However, algae, especially microalgae, can also be used to
 +produce energy (biogas, biodiesel, bioethanol and hydrogen). Algae can be cultivated either
 +in natural ecosystems, in aquacultures or in photobioreactors.
 +Compared to land plants, algae have a growth rate up to 30 times higher. Algae grow so fast
 +that in industrial production, one third of the biomass can be harvested every three days. In
 +photobioreactors they can be produced in a particularly space-saving way and under
 +controlled conditions. There are different designs for this purpose; some of them are
 +cultivated in kilometre-long tubular systems. These have the advantage that the algae
 +receive light from all sides and, compared to open systems, are protected from
 +environmental influences.
 +|{{:experiments:race_way_pond:microalgenkwekerij_te_heure_bij_borculo_cc_by-sa_3.0.jpg?direct&0x600|Figure 1}}|{{:experiments:race_way_pond:48980450728_85fcbafa8d_k_800.jpg?direct&0x600|Figure 2}}|
experiments/race_way_pond/start.1594886545.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/07/16 08:02 by rolf