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maschinen:lasercutter [2022/03/09 13:00]
maschinen:lasercutter [2022/03/30 09:17] (current)
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-====== Instructions of using the Laser Cutter ======+====== Instruction manual for the Laser Cutter ======
 In order to use the laser cutter first, you should receive the security and instructions briefing. This laser cutter is operated with computer number 1 that has installed in it [[|CorelDraw]]. The username and password are provided by the staff.  In order to use the laser cutter first, you should receive the security and instructions briefing. This laser cutter is operated with computer number 1 that has installed in it [[|CorelDraw]]. The username and password are provided by the staff. 
maschinen/lasercutter.1646830835.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/03/09 13:00 by ketlli