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Instructions of use for the CNC machine

The CNC machine in use in the GFL is the eas Heavy 450.

Before the use of the machine, a design is necessary. For the following design and process, Fusion360 was used. The steps to be taken in using the machine are:

  1. The installation of the machine's Post Processor
  2. The preparation of the design in Fusion360 to be cut
  3. The actual use of the CNC

Installation of Post Processor

The steps to be taken for the installation of the Post Processor for EAS HEAVY 450 are the following:

  1. Download the following Post Processor: EAS_PostProcessor
  2. In the Manufacture environment of Fusion 360, right-click the Post Process icon:
  3. Click the three dots icon button to open the post library:
  4. In the Local tab, Click Import:
  5. Find the Post Processor downloaded above.
  6. Click Open:
  7. The Post Processor is now in the local library ready to be used.
  8. Select the Post Processor and click Select to use the post:

Preparation of Design in Fusion360

After the installation of the Post Processor, we can proceed with the design that we wish to cut. In Fusion360, in the design environment, we use the sketch tool to design the following design, and the extrude tool in order to give our design essence and eventually be able to cut it in the CNC machine.

maschinen/cnc.1648032540.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/23 10:49 by ketlli